LLP Classes
Living-Learning Programs Course Information
Courses: RLCL 1014: World Religions. This is a 3-credit course offered in the spring semester.
Contact: JillAnn Knonenburg, Program Director,
Courses: ENGR 1984: Special Study. This course is offered in the fall and the spring.
Contact: Perry Martin,
Courses: ENGR 1054. This is a required course. Galileo program staff will force add students to this course prior to the start of the semester.
Contact: Dr. DeAnna Katey, Director of Undergraduate Student Programs, CEED,, 540-231-0007.
Courses: Special topics cours TBD. This is a 1-credit hour cours that is offered in the fall.
Contact: Page Fetter, Program Director,
Courses: None.
Contact: Dr. Nikki Lewis, Faculty Preceptor,
Courses: None.
Contact: Faculty Principal for the Honors Residential Commons,
Courses: ENGR 1034. This is a required course. Hypatia program staff will force add students to this course prior to the start of the semester.
Contact: Dr. DeAnna Katey, Director of Undergraduate Student Programs, CEED,, 540-231-0007.
Courses: BIT 1984. This is a required course that is offered in the fall.
Contact: Katherine Wells, Pamplin Advising,
Courses: MGT 1064, MGT 2064 (first-year students), MGT 2984 (returning students). These are required courses. MGT 1064 is offered in the fall, MGT 2064 is offered in the spring, and MGT 2984 is TBD.
Contact: Katherine Wells, Pamplin Advising,
Courses: WGS 1114. This is a required course offered in the fall.
Contact: Emily Bowles, Program Director
Leadership and Social Change Residential College
Courses: LDRS 1414 (Fall) These are required courses. LSCRC program staff will force add students to the course prior to the start of the semester. The lecture for this course is held on Friday afternoons with a small group recitation session scheduled with students earlier in the week.
Contact: Dr. Austin Council, Instructor ALCE,
Courses: HNFE 1215 (offered in the fall), HNFE 1216 (offered in the spring). Both courses are required.
Contact: Kevin Wogenrich, Program Director,
Courses: None.
Contact: Mozaiko Program Director,
Courses: COS 1015: Successful Starts in Science FYE is a 1-credit course required in the fall semester. This course focuses on preparing students for their transition to college, integrating the various Orion program components into students' schedules, and preparing students for their spring group research projects and the practice of science/research.
COS 1016: Successful Starts in Science FYE is a 1-credit course required in the spring semester. Students will focus their time working on their group research projects that were assigned and prepared for in the Fall semester.
Contact: Dr. Temperance Rowell, Faculty Director, or
Courses: EDCO 2004. This is a required course offered in the fall or the spring.
Contact: Clint Whitton, Program Director,
Residential College at West Ambler Johnston
Courses: None.
Contact: Dr. Ashley Reed, Faculty Principal,
Courses: AAD1204: Thinking Globally (1 credit) in Fall Semester. AAD1214: Acting Locally (2 credits) in Spring Semester. Both courses are required for all first-year students.
Contact: Dr. Grant Hamming, Program Director,
Courses: Recovery Seminar. This is a required seminar offered in the fall and spring semesters.
Contact: Amy Terry,
Courses: MGT 1984. This is a required course.
Contact: Katherine Wells, Pamplin Advising,
Courses: None.
Contact: Olivia Coutre, Program Director,
Courses: Thrive students are required to attend a weekly meeting and Family Dinner on Tuesdays from 5:00-7:00pm as part of living in and contributing to the community. This is a required meeting, and classes should not be scheduled during this time.
Contact: Rachel Dalton, Program Director,
Courses: UNIV 2114: Unleash Your Hokie Potential. This is a required course. Available sections include:
- T: 11 a.m.-12:15 p.m.
- T: 12:30-1:45 p.m.
- T: 2-3:15 p.m.
- W: 2:30-3:45 p.m.
- R: 11 a.m.-12:15 p.m.
Contact: Allison Silknetter, Program Director,
Courses: AFST 1714: Introduction of African-American Studies. This is a required course. Ujima program staff will force add students to the course. Can be taken in either the Fall or Spring semester. This fulfills both area 3 and 7 for Pathways for General Education.
Contact: Dr. Ellington Graves, Director, Africana Studies Program,
Courses: UNIV 1824. This is a required course.
Contact: Jason Johnson, Program Director,