
As a community of curious thinkers, we pursue science to serve humanity and the earth that we inhabit. We work to better the lives of our peers, support each other, and collaborate for a common goal. From the biological and life sciences to the quantitative and physical sciences, we are grounded in the stuff of stars. We look to the future and reach for the stars to see just how far we can go. We look towards Orion.
Integrating the Curricular and Co-Curricular
Orion helps science students to develop personal and professional skills integral to the practice of science! Orion students have easy access to academic support, personal support, professional development, and a close-knit community through our shared courses, mentor program, community activities, and fun study breaks. Students typically apply as incoming first-years and have the option to apply to return for multiple years through our return leadership roles that focus on providing support in and outside of the classroom for our younger students.
Located in New Residence Hall East, Orion is an academic and co-curricular program supported through a partnership with the College of Science and the Office of Living-Learning Programs. Orion includes over 230 first to fifth year students from multiple science majors! We aim to foster a small community of students who have a shared learning experience and a sense of belonging at a large university. We are committed to supporting retention and diversity in STEM at Virginia Tech.
We currently prioritize College of Science students. However, the Director will consider students outside of majors in the College of Sciences throughout the application process depending on interest, fit for student, and beds available. Feel free to address these in your application and/or reach out to the Director directly before you submit your application.
Our vision is to challenge, support, and inspire undergraduate science students to strive for academic and professional excellence. We will pursue this vision by giving our students opportunities to actively develop skills that are critical to the development of “T-shaped” professionals – with disciplinary depth as well as strength across the skills that the modern workforce demands. We will accomplish this by:
- Helping first-year students successfully transition by providing academic support, skill development, and a sense of belonging to a small community within a large university.
- Providing sophomores, juniors and seniors with opportunities to a) develop leadership and management skills in alignment with employer and graduate school expectations of scientific research and project managers, and b) serve Orion in ways that are integral to enhancing the first year experience.
It is important that applicants have a clear understanding that being a part of Orion is more than just living in the same residence hall with other science majors. Students are required to engage in the community in ways that require a time investment and positive outcomes for their sense of belonging, personal/professional networks, and science skill development! All Orion first-year students are expected to:
- Enroll in the Successful Starts in Science course series (one course each, fall and spring semesters).
- Fall semester (COS 1015, 1 cr.): This course provides first-year students with a connection to a network of personal, academic, and professional support, as well as an introduction to research series to prepare to plan an interdisciplinary group research project they will complete in the Spring semester.
- Spring semester (COS 1016, 1 cr.): First-year students develop collaborative teamwork, interpersonal, and problem-solving skills through participation in the Orion group research projects, which are managed and implemented by Orion’s the Director and a team of student leaders. In the Peer-to-Peer Project model, first-year students collaborate with second- through fifth-year student leaders in a variety of topics of group research projects that culminate in creating and presenting a conference-style research poster in our annual Orion LLC Poster Showcase (There is also an opportunity to apply and present in the Dennis Dean Undergraduate Research Symposium at Virginia Tech).
- Participate in one service-learning activity through a variety of science outreach opportunities provided by Orion LLC with our existing campus partners.
- Participate in a peer mentoring program in which first-year students share a sophomore mentor with up to six other first-year students in the community. Mentor groups will meet ~8 times per semester for a minimum of 15 minutes in the fall and spring semesters. Students receive credit for these activities through their first-year course too.
- Have the ability to access a variety of optional community activities that range from academic and professional development, to community-building and social.
Please give these requirements careful consideration before applying to Orion, to ensure that this First Year Experience will be a good match for you. Feel free to reach out if you have questions.
- Gain a valuable perspective on college life through peer mentoring and networking.
- Enroll in an LLC course series that promotes academic, professional development, and community-building through integrated curricular and co-curricular activities.
- Have the opportunity to participate in LLC-specific social and professional networking events.
- Participate in a group science research project from start to finish that earns you course-based credit and faculty support by the Director.
- Participate in a science outreach activity to help grow skills and awareness of service to others and science communication to the community.
- Commit to living and participating within the LLC for one year at a time.
- Have the opportunity to continue with the community as a returning leader one or multiple years in a leadership role (e.g., peer mentor, undergraduate teaching assistant for COS 1015, project coordinator for COS 1016, or another upperclass leadership team member).
- Have access to a full-time Faculty Director and scientist in and outside of class for career discussions, academic help, navigating campus resources, providing letters of recommendation, networking help, providing leadership development, and providing community building opportunities and helping navigate being a member of an LLC.
- Build professional and personal skills related to resilience, teamwork, scientific analysis, communication, cooperation, confidence, and leadership with your peers.
- Orion LLC is one of the few Living-Learning Programs that has an exclusive partnership with the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine (VTCSOM) through the Health Equity Scholars Program.
- A primary goal of this program is to expand each student’s network and increase their awareness of opportunities in the health professions, with a specific focus on becoming a physician.
For additional information, contact the Orion Director at orionllc@vt.edu.